Why You Should Only Receive Botox® and Dermal Fillers from a Medical Professional

Are you looking into Botox® and dermal fillers as a way to boost your beauty routine to the next level? These procedures may seem simple, but in the hands of the wrong person, they can cause complications.

At Skin Deep Laser MD, serving the Fort Worth, Weatherford, Benbrook, Burleson, Mansfield, Grandbury, and Arlington areas of Texas, Dr. Laura Riehm offers professional Botox treatment and dermal filler injections to help restore youth, freshness, and beauty to your appearance. 

Who should administer Botox?

Botox is a highly purified and regulated form of the toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. While it doesn’t have the toxic components of botulism, it is still dangerous in the wrong hands. Most complications from Botox come from either poor injection technique or lack of knowledge of anatomy by unskilled, non medical providers.

If you are considering Botox, make sure you are getting injected by a skilled medical care provider. Also look at who is in their office; if you see pregnant or nursing women or people who look like their face is permanently stuck in one expression, reconsider. Remember, this is your decision and your face.  If you are not comfortable with your injector or in a situation, you should leave.

Dr. Riehm is experienced in giving Botox injections and knows how much to give and where to place the injections to avoid any bad side effects or a “frozen” look. We also don’t administer Botox when it’s not advised or when it is unneeded.

Properly administered Botox can relax fine lines and wrinkles, yet still allow you to make normal facial expressions.  It’s one of the most trusted forms of non-surgical cosmetic enhancement available.

Who should administer dermal fillers?

Another type of injectable is the dermal filler, which is typically made of hyaluronic acid or another substance that is biocompatible with or made by your own body. 

Dermal fillers can have dangerous side effects if you don’t properly care for your skin before and after injection. A biofilm can form, causing small infected nodules below the surface of the skin. Proper skin hygiene is a must when receiving cosmetic treatments. 

Like Botox, dermal fillers should be administered by an expert. Dr. Riehm can advise you both on what type of dermal filler will work best for you, and how to properly care for your skin before and after treatment for the best results and optimal skin health.

Are you ready for a non-surgical facelift to smooth, tighten, and lift your skin? Botox and dermal fillers can take years off of your appearance. Contact our office at 817-263-7546 or book a consultation online today.

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