You Don’t Have to Live with Acne Scars: Here’s How to Get Rid of Them

You Don’t Have to Live with Acne Scars: Here’s How to Get Rid of Them 65f3564e66654.jpeg

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the United States, afflicting as many as 50 million people every year. In addition to affecting your appearance, acne can take its toll on your emotional health, leading to depression and low self-esteem.

Even after your blemishes are gone, your acne may have left you with scars that serve as a constant reminder of the unpleasant skin condition. With advances in aesthetic treatments, you don’t have to live the rest of your life being reminded of your past.

At Skin Deep Laser MD, we offer many innovative treatments to get rid of your acne scars so you can move on through life without them.

The birth of an acne scar

Acne appears on your skin when excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria get trapped in a pore. Your overloaded pore swells and tears. Your skin may be able to repair a shallow tear without leaving behind any reminders, but if the tear is deep and the oil, skin cells, and bacteria affect the surrounding tissue, your skin’s attempt at repairing the damage may be less successful.

The scar left behind by your acne may be raised or depressed. The raised scars, referred to as hypertrophic scars, are most often found on the back or chest. The depressed scars, referred to as atrophic or “ice pick” scars, usually appear on the face.

No matter the type, there are many treatments that can lessen their appearance and improve the look and health of your skin.

How to get rid of your acne scars

At Skin Deep Laser MD, we love nothing more than helping you achieve your beauty goals, and we offer many noninvasive and minimally invasive treatments to help you get rid of your acne scars. Some of the treatments we provide that can help get rid of your acne scars include:

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are used to exfoliate dead, dull skin cells to reveal healthier skin underneath for a brighter and fresher look. By removing the surface cells of your skin, chemical peels can also lessen the appearance of your acne scars.


Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that stimulates cell turnover to improve the look and health of your skin. This cosmetic treatment can be used for several skin concerns from fine lines and wrinkles to dull skin. Microneedling is also used to reduce the appearance of your mildly depressed acne scars. The microneedling tool used for treatment creates micro-trauma in the skin, which induces collagen production to fill in the scar.

Skin rejuvenation with PicoFOCUS® 

PicoFOCUS is currently the most advanced aesthetic laser in the industry. It uses fractionated-light-based energy to break up the scar tissue, while at the same time stimulating your skin to produce new cells to create a smoother surface.  It works to improve almost every skin issue that you may have, including sun damage and hyperpigmentation. This great skin-rejuvenation tool can be used on both raised and depressed acne scars and works much better on deeper scars than chemical peels and microneedling. It is painless and has no downtime.

ICON® 1540 fractional resurfacing

The ICON 1540 fractional resurfacing laser is one of the best aesthetic tools available for skin rejuvenation and scar revision. The laser energy created by the ICON 1540 heats the deep layers of your skin to accelerate cell turnover and correct many skin texture concerns, including both raised and depressed acne scars.

We can also improve the look of your acne scar with dermal fillers. The cosmetic injections add volume under your skin to smooth out the texture changes caused by your acne. Though fillers are an effective treatment for acne scars, the results are only temporary.

What treatment is best for me

The best treatment to get rid of your acne scars depends on the type of scars you have, their severity, and your ultimate aesthetic goals. Because we have so many aesthetic options to choose from, we can custom-design a treatment plan to meet anyone’s needs.

Acne scars can serve as a constant reminder of the more difficult teen and young adult years.  Their presence may make you self-conscious about your skin. You don’t have to live with them. At Skin Deep Laser MD we have many effective treatments at multiple budget levels that can improve the look of your skin, get rid of those scars and help you regain your confidence.

To schedule a consultation, call our office in Fort Worth, Texas, or use the online booking button to make an appointment. 

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