Double chin fat isn’t attractive. Fortunately, there are a few chin exercises you can do. Here are some exercises to reduce double chin fat. The dreaded double chin. That second (and for some, even third!) layer of fatty tissue that sags and shows up behind the normal chin. The biggest killer of selfies.
It’s very common in the United States, since its primary cause is being overweight. This means that majority of the adult population with overweight (that’s 70.7% of all adults in the U.S.) suffers from it. And as hard as you may try hiding it from your selfies, it’s still there, vying for unwanted attention.
You most likely have unpleasant memories of people laughing behind your back because of that bulge. Because of this, you’ve tried almost everything to try and get rid of it. All to no avail. So… your big question now is if there’s an effective way to minimize it.
And the good news is, there are a couple of ways. We’ve come up with this post containing the info you need about double chins, complete with a list of chin exercises. Read on so you can start working that extra chin out as soon as you can.
A Friendly Reminder: Set Realistic Expectations
Before we get to the nitty-gritty of this post, let us just remind you of one thing. The goal here is to reduce and not eliminate. There’s a big difference here, and setting realistic expectations is important when it comes to your double chin.
Also, your diet plays a critical role. After all, a second chin is essentially a pocket of skin filled with fat. And what you eat can bring in all that bad stuff that can fill a sagging portion of your skin.
This said it’s important to incorporate these chin exercises into your usual exercise regimen and keep eating healthy, balanced meals. Do so, and not only can you minimize the appearance of that second chin; but you can also bring down your overall body fat.
A Few Other Must-Know Things about Fat in the Face
Some cases of double chins have to do with genetics. Whichever the case is, proper diet and physical activity (regular chin exercises included) can help address those unsightly facial fat deposits. For faster results, you may also want to consider safe fat-cell-reducing treatments.
Just a few more things before we proceed to the exercise details:
Nutrition plays a huge role in your fat loss goals, regardless of the problem area.
Calculating your calorie intake can help you figure out what your optimal daily calorie goal is to lose weight.
Proper meal portioning is just as important as throwing away all the junk food at home.
Get enough sleep – this can also help you with weight loss, not to mention the amazing things it can do for your skin!
Now that we’re done reiterating the importance of a healthier lifestyle, here’s the promised list of double chin exercises you should begin doing today.
Chin Lifts
These are among the simplest chin exercises, so they’re a good place to start. They work out the jaw, neck, and throat muscles, which can have a double-chin-reducing effect.
Here’s how you do chin lifts:
Find a comfortable standing or sitting position, but make sure your spine is erect.
With your head tilted back until your eyes directly see the ceiling, hold your lips in as tight a puckered position as you can.
You should feel your neck and chin tightening as you hold this position for five seconds.
Slowly lower your chin to its original position.
To get the most out of this exercise, repeat the same steps 15 times.
Chin Rotations
Like the chin lifts, chin rotations also stretch the jaw, neck, and throat muscles. But these chin exercises also touch on the shoulder, as well as upper back and chest muscles.
Perform these simple steps for chin rotations:
Stand or sit with your back tall and straight.
Bring your hands down, making sure they remain straight throughout the exercise. You should feel some pressure on your neck and shoulders.
Slowly bring your head down, starting from the chin, and gently rotate it to a full circle. Basically, it starts from the chest to the shoulder to the back, and to the opposite shoulder.
Repeat these steps 10 times, following the same direction. Do the same in the opposite direction.
Neck Rolls
Aside from toning and stretching the same muscle groups as the chin rotations, neck rolls also aid in lessening shoulder tension. They can also help relieve pain affecting your neck and shoulders.
Here’s how to perform these double chin exercises:
Have your spine fully erect while in a standing or sitting position.
Fully stretch your hands (similar way as with the chin rotations) and keep them this way throughout the exercise.
While you inhale deeply, gently move your head rightwards until your chin rests on your shoulder. Make sure your eyes are also turned to the right. Hold this position for five seconds.
As you exhale, slowly turn your head towards your chest. Maintain the erectness of your spine.
While taking another deep breath, gently move your head back up and turn it to your left. Keep your chin resting on your left shoulder for five seconds while looking to your left.
Bring your head back to your chest.
Ideally, you should keep doing these steps 10 times.
The Neck Bend & Stretch
These are more than your average chin exercises. They also help stretch and tone the neck, shoulder, and even arm muscles.
Do the following steps for your Neck Bend & Stretch exercise:
Find a clear spot on the floor to sit on.
Place your right hand on the floor, with the tip of your fingers touching the ground. Avoid putting too much pressure or weight on your fingertips.
As you hold this position, bring your left arm over the top of your head until your palm touches your right ear.
With your head aligned with your neck, use your left palm to gently bring your head down to your left shoulder.
Then, bring your right hand to your right shoulder and use your fingers to gently press the shoulder down.
Maintain this position for up to 10 seconds.
Do the same steps for the opposite side. Complete at least three for each side.
The Tongue-to-Roof Press
You can perform this set of chin exercises either in standing or sitting position.
Here’s how:
With your back erect and your shoulders down, move your head back until your eyes meet the ceiling.
Keeping this position, press your tongue as tightly against the roof of the mouth as you can.
Hold your tongue in this manner while you bring your chin down to your chest. Make sure your back remains straight. To ensure you’re doing it correctly, you should feel a contraction in front of the neck and the chin.
Maintain this position for five seconds before relaxing your tongue.
From the starting position, repeat the steps 15 to 20 times.
The Pout & Tilt
These chin exercises are similar to chin lifts, but instead of a full kiss, you do these with pouted lips. Perform these steps after you find yourself in a comfortable standing or sitting position:
Form your lips into a pout. Your lower lip should stick out as far as you can make it. This will make the skin on your chin all wrinkly.
Maintain this contraction for three seconds.
Then, with your pout still formed, force your front neck muscles into a contraction as you bring your chin down to the chest. Make sure that your back remains erect.
Keep this position for three more seconds before going back to your starting position.
For the best possible results, do the Pout & Tilt at least 15 to 20 times.
The Jaw Stretch
This exercise works out the facial muscles, those in your chin included.
To do this, follow these steps:
Stand or sit with your back erect.
Close your mouth and take a deep breath through your nose. Then, hum as you gently let the air out of your nostrils, with your lips still pressed tightly against each other.
As soon as you exhale all the air out, fully open your mouth. Inhale once more, and then let all the air out while you make an “ahh” sound.
To help your jaw relax, place the tip of your tongue on the back of your lower teeth.
Repeat all the steps for both the closed and opened mouth positions 5 to 10 times.
Boost Your Chin Exercises’ Results with the Right Treatment
Performing these chin exercises as regularly as you can with your usual workout can help lessen your double chin’s appearance. And don’t forget the importance of healthier, more nutritious meals too. Taking selfies once a week is also a good idea, so you can track any progress.
Just remember though, that these exercises may take quite some time before they show results. So, if you want faster results, you should give your other double chin treatment options a try.
And as soon as you want to start exploring your options in addition to exercising, feel free to give us a call – we can help with your double chin problems.