WarmSculpting™ vs. CoolSculpting™

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Are you confused about the many different treatments available today that claim to remove fat?  It does get overwhelming, especially when companies manipulate their wording specifically to confuse and mislead you!  It gets even more confusing when so many devices claim to have FDA approval for fat reduction.  If you look closely into the fine print, the FDA has only approved them for “the temporary reduction in the appearance of fat”.

I don’t know about you, but I have no interest in spending money on anything either temporary OR that only decreases the appearance of fat.  I want permanent destruction and removal of fat!

Currently there are only 3 ways to permanently destroy and remove fat cells from the body; liposuction, WarmSculpting™  (with the SculpSure™  laser) and CoolSculpting™ .

Liposuction has gotten much less popular in recent years and at Skin Deep Laser MD we also prefer non-invasive body contouring.  You can now get surgical results without the pain, downtime and risks of surgery, and for less money!  (win win!)

WarmSculpting™  (with SculpSure™) and CoolSculpting™  are the only 2 choices for permanent destruction of fat cells without surgery.  At Skin Deep Laser MD, we chose WarmSculpting™  over CoolSculpting™  for many reasons:

1) Fat cells can be destroyed by either freezing them for an hour or heating them for 25 minutes.  Because freezing is non-selective, it freezes the skin and nerves along with the fat.  This freezing process is very painful and sometimes causes permanent nerve damage with long-term pain.  The SculpSure™  laser selectively targets your fat cells while keeping the surface skin and nerves cool and safe.  SculpSure™  is much more comfortable during the treatment and much safer long-term.

2) SculpSure™  is much faster than Cool Sculpting™.  Due to the larger treatment area and shorter treatment time, SculpSure™  (WarmSculpting™ ) treatments take less than 1/2 the time.

3) CoolSculpting™  only treats the fat that is sucked up into its applicator which leaves a “ridge”, “shelf” or “sharkbite”. You can always see a mark where the treatment occurred, and often that border is obvious and permanent.  SculpSure’s™  laser energy tapers, feathering it into the neighboring area so that the margins blend and you will never see a ridge at the border of the treated and untreated areas.

4) SculpSure™  is a laser and works with heat.  When we heat the dermal tissue to 39-41 degrees Celsius, we stimulate collagen production which tightens the skin in the treatment area. Yes! WarmSculpting™  tightens the skin in addition to permanently destroying fat cells!

5) Although the SculpSure™  laser is newer and better technology than CoolSculpt™ , it is usually less expensive (depending on where you have it done).

6) Lastly, but most importantly,  CoolSculpting™ can cause a disfiguring and debilitating complication called PAH, or Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia.  It’s an unusual side effect caused by the prolonged exposure of body tissue to extreme cold.  In some cases the body responds to the cold stress by increasing production of fat cells rather than decreasing them.  Cool Sculpting™ can cause this devastating complication, but WarmSculpting™ with the SculpSure™  laser does not cause PAH.

In summary, SculpSure™ / WarmSculpting is safer, more comfortable and less expensive than CoolSculpting™ for our patients.

If you have any additional questions or would like to book an appointment, please visit our website (https://skindeeplasermd.com/sculpsure/)  or  give our office a call (817-880-6560)

We would love to help you achieve your goals and help you regain your confidence in and out of your clothes!  We are currently serving the awesome residents of the greater Fort Worth and Dallas areas, including Weatherford, Granbury, Mansfield, Burleson, Stephenville, Crowley, Arlington and more.

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